
#53 – A Quiet Season

This year, for my family, has not been an easy one. We are just sort of riding a challenging wave. A wave we’ve been on for several months.

I believe we all ride these waves at some point. And, my people are made of strong stock. My Italian background is riddled with tragic and very sad tales (a large part of one side of my family’s last name is Saro). I am a little too optimistic of a person to believe I am destined for the same, but at times I have wondered…

Through this uphill climb, my family has spent a lot of time together, loving one another and snuggling in close. We watch a lot of Friends. We eat a lot of yummy homemade food, which is the catalyst for spending as much time as possible around the table talking about every little thing. There is always so much to talk about.

And, we all read A LOT.

While I pour most of my energy into my family – the Bee Hive has taken a bit of a backseat. My focus is honed in elsewhere – thus the no events or book clubs or writing workshops or blog posts, etc. The spaciousness for creativity is limited.

I spend a lot of time feeling bad about this. I look at Instagram posts of other bookstores and all that they are doing and all that they offer their communities and I feel like a total failure. And, like the Bee Hive has slid into mediocrity.

“We will forever sit around the table and talk.
And, we will always turn to books for comfort.”

And, yet…this is where things are.

Despite the lack of offerings at the moment, I am very grateful for the opportunity to be able to possibly extend some comfort to my community, and beyond, through books. Because, either collectively or individually, we all are always going through something. And, whether it is by people coming into the store and something jumping off the shelf for them that is exactly what they need. Or, customers using the website to order books of whatever genre they are looking for. I am very aware that the books people choose and what they read is incredibly personal and private. And, I am extremely honored to be trusted with the information that other people are taking in at any given moment. And, of course, so appreciative that they support the Bee Hive with their book orders. Especially those that might be easier to just have arrive at their front door.

As far as the waves go…it is necessary to remember that you can’t ride the same one forever.

This particular one my family is on, while painful, has also been beautiful in that we have grown very strong. And, close. We laugh deeply – and with appreciation – at the ridiculous, ironic, and hysterical. We will forever sit around the table and talk. And, we will always turn to books for comfort. And, probably, also…Friends.

While this cycle may be a less outgoing one, there is a more creative, bustling one on the horizon.

The Bee Hive, as its own entity, stands patient. As long as it is filled with books and people come in and out of it – it is, for the most part, doing its job.

I work to take cues from that contentment.

And, I look forward to the inspired and focused energy and creativity that the next wave is sure to bring.



  1. Juli

    The Beehive is far from mediocrity, and I am so grateful that you and your magical bookstore exist. I find solace every time I step inside the door, and I always find what I need, whether I knew I needed it or not. I appreciate you so much. xo

    • christian

      Thank you so much Juli.❤️