The last couple of months have rendered me speechless…And sort of – frozen. In this in-between space of…PTSD. And…a desire to go forward.

Somehow the world went from being shut down and living in fear. To – kids not wearing masks at birthday parties and grown ups not wearing masks while shopping at Trader Joe’s. In just a matter of weeks.

The extreme pivot has left me dizzy. Kinda confused. And…100% unprepared.

My family is still living with the residue of Covid. Very few summer plans. A short break due to Public Schools going back early. And mask-wearing in solidarity with my son, who is too young yet to be vaccinated.

The Bee Hive is also in the thick of the residue. The store hours are shortened due to not being be up to speed with employees yet, events are still on hold, and masks are required in order to keep our young customers safe.

It is really easy to feel the pressure of going back to the way it was.

Like – right now.

And yet…

There is the PTSD.


Aren’t you exhausted?

I am.


And, Olive and Cash have slowed way down. They need their down time for sure. They are pretty content with a day at home – a movie, yummy food, a walk – they are good. No need to pack their days at the moment.

Honestly, rather then going toward social situations or reverting back to any sort of manic, over-scheduling ways – I am feeling the need to take it slow. Allow the experience of the past year to sink in. And then – process it. And then – figure out how I want things to shake out from there. Perhaps there is a path where the pre-Pandemic, mid-Pandemic, and post-Pandemic moments – can morph into something new, and manageable.

Perhaps quality of life can be made a priority. Rather then an afterthought.

I have written in past posts that I don’t think the Bee Hive will ever be the same as it was. And, that is true. At this moment, it is more beautiful, more resilient, more inclusive, more community sustained – then it ever has been. The Bee Hive has come out shinier and more abundant from all that transpired in 2020. For a lot of reasons.

“At this moment, the Bee Hive is more beautiful, more resilient, more inclusive, more community sustained – then it ever has been.”

The last several months was the savior that Bee Hive so desperately needed…

I do have people turn away from coming into the store when they see the mask signs in the windows.

I would love to burn my masks too.

But…it continues to be the reality of the Bee Hive for now. And, for the foreseeable future.

And – it really is okay. If people turn away.

Because, just like you.

And me.

The Bee Hive made it through. And, will continue to do so.

At its own pace.